Sunday 15 May 2011

Movie - Triangle

Although it is labelled as a horror, I wouldn't call Triangle such. It is not really scary, and although several elements common to horror movies do happen to exist in the movie, the way the story plays out is quite surprising. I would classify this as a really good psychological thriller.

The movie has quite a fair amount of shock value, and before the movie is half over, at least one of your pre-conceptions about the way this type of movie should play out will be shattered. The plot twists and bends and continues to mess with your mind, and for me, I was pretty much on the edge of my seat until the end of the movie.

This is a movie that benefits coming in with a blank slate. The trailer does contain a fair amount of spoilers but is presented in such a way that they are not what they seem - a good twist in my mind, although I would recommend seeing this without watching the trailer first if possible.

The most difficult part of describing this movie is doing so without giving away any spoilers, so in that sense let me just say that the plot of this movie has to be seen first hand to fully appreciate. If you know what to expect, a lot of the "What the!" moments of the movie will not quite have the same impact. Luckily, even in that case, the movie itself is a big puzzle, and it doesn't quite tell you how all the pieces fit together, so there is still entertainment value if you know what to expect.

This movie isn't without flaws though. In my rumination over the puzzles, I have found at least one of what seems like a logical flaw to me (or at least, a piece of the puzzle that leads to a less satisfying answer). Furthermore, some of the character development was not as strong as you would like - although then again, the reason for this is part of why the movie was so shocking to me and so I'm not entirely sure how they could have done this differently.

In Depth plot analysis - including huge spoilers


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