Sunday 17 April 2011

Movie - Ever Since The World Ended

Ever Since The World Ended is a fictional documentary that takes place in a future where plague has ravaged most of the human race, leaving behind only a small group of survivors. It takes place in LA, where the population has been reduced from millions to less than two hundred.

The atmosphere is perhaps the most interesting part of the movie, although it is obvious in some parts the tricks they used to make LA feel more empty than it actually was. Regardless, if you just accept it, it really does make the world feel a lot more bleak and dangerous.

The people are of course the driving elements of the story, and the film gives a good impression of both those who lived before the plague and who are coping with the world they are left with and all that they've lost; and those who were born or grew up after the plague and never knew anything different. I think this is the most interesting point of tension in the movie, the difference between either groups approach to the plague and their goals for the future.

The movie also does include a couple of subplots, one involving a member of the community who had been dangerous in the past, and another about an expedition by several of the community members outside the city.

Despite this, the movie does come to somewhat of a dull ending, with no interesting conclusions being drawn or observations being made at the end. At the end of the film, there is a clip of the documentary being premiered, and the director says: "I tried to find a conclusion, but couldn't - so hopefully you'll draw your own as well." Unfortunately, like the filmmaker, I was not able to draw any conclusion from the film either.

Overall a film with some really interesting world building, a few interesting sub plots, that does a good job of feeling like a documentary but doesn't come to any satisfying conclusion.


Available At: Amazon

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